The situation in the Middle East with a focus on Saudi Arabia

The situation in the Middle East with a focus on Saudi Arabia

The situation in the Middle East with a focus on Saudi Arabia This place, there is a growing instability in the Middle East. Published by the Eurasia Group at the beginning of the year every year, the attention of the collected are "TOP RISKS" (world 0 large risk), [technology and the Middle East] has been cited as one of the risk of 2.0 years. In fact, diffusion of fake news in Qatar Danko problem that occurred to 0 years, technology has been used in the destabilization of the Middle East. Then, in the "TOP RISKS" of 2.0 years, is Syria is referred to as [accident (geopolitical risk)], are mentioned [US Iran relations] in addition. In addition, in the United States of bipartisan non-profit organization has published the "Council on Foreign Relations" "Global Conflict Tracker", out of the dispute to certification, one has become the one that occurred in northeast Africa in. Although it is the Middle East, which is also recognized as a destabilizing factor in the world situation in 2.0 years, and among them is the Saudi Arabia of the trend it is necessary to note.